Megan Pomarensky, owner of Empowerment Rehab is an Athletic Therapist, yoga teacher and movement therapist mentor. I bring her on the show to talk about who to see when you experience an injury, when to see them, and how to get the most out of that experience.
We touch on the spectrum of movement and rehab professionals and how to look out for the red and green flags in your professional relationship.
Key Tips:
- Who to see?
- Who they are as a human, and their collective experiences shape their practice. Their title just describes general education
- Red & Green flags:
- Person centred care
- They ask you about your goals and your previous injury/health history
- They provide a welcoming space to allow you to ask questions and reflect
- Program is more than just symptom chasing
- And more
- Contact Megan on Instagram, Twitter and learn more about her perspective on training and injury management on her website.
- Find an R.Kin
- Find a Certified Athletic Therapist
- Find a Certified Personal Trainer in Canada
- Find a Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach
- Katie St. Claire